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Friday, March 20, 2015

Guy’s Girlfriend and Ex-Girlfriend Jump into a River to See Which One He Would Save

Ok, this has always been a story and amusement until it finally happened for real,this can be compared to common stories that involves asking men who they would rescue from a river – their mother or their lover. what would you do when your Girlfriend and Ex-Girlfriend Jump into a River just to See which one of them you would save.

Well this is the situation A Chinese man was recentlyfaced, presented with the ultimate test of love – he was forced to choose between saving his current and ex girlfriends! The two love-struck women jumped into a river to see which one he would save.
The poor man in question is 21-year-old Wu Hsia, who recently broke up with his long-time girlfriend Jun Tang, 20, after falling in love with 22-year-old  Rong Tsao. The ex-girlfriend took the split rather badly and began to harass Wu in the hope that he would leave Rong and come back to her.
Tired of the bickering women, Wu decided to meet with both of them and make his intentions clear. “I was sick of being nagged from both sides,” he said. “Rong was moaning about Jun and Jun was moaning about her and it all got too much.” Unfortunately, the meeting turned out to be a bad idea. Jun and Rong got into an argument, which ended with Jun throwing herself into the river. Rong quickly followed suit.

 “The girls began arguing and the man’s ex-girlfriend felt insulted by a comment made by the new girlfriend, and so she jumped into the river calling for her former lover to save her,” said a police spokesperson. “The new girlfriend, fearing that he might indeed jump in to save his ex-lover, then jumped in as well and both of them were calling for him to rescue them from drowning.”
“I was completely dumbfounded about what was going on. But then I realized that I had to do something so I also jumped in but to save Rong,” Wu told reporters. “I was put in a difficult situation and had to make a choice between right and wrong, and I chose Rong.” No pun intended, I’m sure. But Wu also though of Jun and called his brother to come get her out.
how funny and loving that the two girls would even risk their life's for the guy, who would you safe if you happen to be in his shoes?

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